Csak kíváncsi leszek, hogy reagálnak az oldalak, mert kicsit át kell programozni a térkép generálást.
Újabb hír:
A significant update to the GFS is planned for June 22, 2010. The NCO parallel will be starting soon.
Ezek szerint nemsokára lehet nézni a párhuzamos futásokat!
A significant update to the GFS is planned for June 22, 2010. The NCO parallel will be starting soon.
Ezek szerint nemsokára lehet nézni a párhuzamos futásokat!
És ahogy olvasom, elsõsorban a konvektív csapadék elõrejelzése javulhat jelentõsen.
Egy jó hír még a GFS-rõl:
A significant update to the GFS is planned for late Spring 2010.
The next GFS implementation in planned for late Spring 2010 and includes:
-improvements to the shallow and deep convection parameterizations. There is a dramatic reduction in grid point storms (colloquially known as “precip bombs” or “grid-scale feedback”) , which have plagued the GFS.
-increase in resolution (to T574 64L or ~27 km grid spacing ).
-replacement of shortwave radiation from NASA based version with random cloud overlap to AER based RRTM with maximum/random cloud overlap.
-inclusion of vertical advection of moisture, ozone and cloud condensate based on positive definite advection scheme.
-changes are also made to boundary layer scheme and gravity wave drag.
A significant update to the GFS is planned for late Spring 2010.
The next GFS implementation in planned for late Spring 2010 and includes:
-improvements to the shallow and deep convection parameterizations. There is a dramatic reduction in grid point storms (colloquially known as “precip bombs” or “grid-scale feedback”) , which have plagued the GFS.
-increase in resolution (to T574 64L or ~27 km grid spacing ).
-replacement of shortwave radiation from NASA based version with random cloud overlap to AER based RRTM with maximum/random cloud overlap.
-inclusion of vertical advection of moisture, ozone and cloud condensate based on positive definite advection scheme.
-changes are also made to boundary layer scheme and gravity wave drag.