Csillagászat és űrkutatás
Ezek az amcsik tényleg semmit se tudnak:
The Federal Aviation Administration has issued the following Notice to Airmen (NOTAM): "Aircraft are advised that a potential haard may occur due to reentry of satellite UARS into Earths atmosphere. FAA is working with the Department of Defense and NASA to ensure the most current re-entry information is provided to operators as quickly as possible. Further NOTAMS will be issued if specific information becomes available indicating a United States airspace impact. It is critical that all pilots/flight crew members report any fallinf space debris to the appropriate ATC facility. The Domestic Events Network telephone 202-493-5107 is the FAA coordination facility. CREATED: 23 SEP 18:33 2011"
Röviden összefoglalva mivel a lehulló darabok a repülésre lehetséges veszélyt jelentenek, azonnal továbbítanak minden pontosabb infót a pilótáknak és légiirányítóknak, egyúttal kérik a légiforgalomban dolgozókat, hogy azonnal jelentsenek minden ûrbõl lehulló cuccot...
Az egész kabaré úgy, ahogy van...
The Federal Aviation Administration has issued the following Notice to Airmen (NOTAM): "Aircraft are advised that a potential haard may occur due to reentry of satellite UARS into Earths atmosphere. FAA is working with the Department of Defense and NASA to ensure the most current re-entry information is provided to operators as quickly as possible. Further NOTAMS will be issued if specific information becomes available indicating a United States airspace impact. It is critical that all pilots/flight crew members report any fallinf space debris to the appropriate ATC facility. The Domestic Events Network telephone 202-493-5107 is the FAA coordination facility. CREATED: 23 SEP 18:33 2011"
Röviden összefoglalva mivel a lehulló darabok a repülésre lehetséges veszélyt jelentenek, azonnal továbbítanak minden pontosabb infót a pilótáknak és légiirányítóknak, egyúttal kérik a légiforgalomban dolgozókat, hogy azonnal jelentsenek minden ûrbõl lehulló cuccot...
Az egész kabaré úgy, ahogy van...