Hát ez a diagramot nem kell azért szó szerint értelmezni ami rajta látszik. Én annyira nem is ebbõl szûrtem le a dolgokat, hanem azt mondom amit szövegben leirtak és várnak januára!
Meteoros:Na ja majd kiderül!
Bastardi irása
Look at what has happened the past 5 days, and you get the point I am trying to make about the rest of the winter. The thaw has hit the UK and Ireland, but the further southeast you go, the answer to warm is NO! The last 4 days in Berlin have been a mirror of the month. They had 4 inches of snow and temps 10 below normal.. The month had over 40 inches of snow and temps 10 below normal! But we go to London and we find that temps have moderated to 2.7 above normal the past 4 days. Go to Belfast and its over 7 above normal the past few days.

This is what I am trying to get across, that the rest of the winter over the northwest is much more back and forth, while the target area for the totality of the cold winter is further southeast. While the worst relative to averages is over in the northwest, from Italy to the Balkans its not, the rest of the winter will be colder than what has occurred already, with pushes into southeast Europe ( Turkey) in a back and forth manner. But one can see, and I am sure when we total it all up, we will see, why I had areas further southeast as getting the worst of the winter.

In any case, it appears that the weather will make my point for me. Doesnt mean winter is over for the northwest.. it means the worst month is by. Further southeast.. no such luck